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Kao S, Shiau CK, Gu DL, Ho CM, Su WH, Chen CF, Lin CH, Jou YS. IGDB.NSCLC: Integrated Genomic Database of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan 1; 40(D1): D972- D977.
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CANCER is the leading cause of human mortality resulted in 7.9 million deaths in 2007 and projected to be over 11 million deaths in 2030 worldwide. LUNG CANCER is the most common cause of cancer-related mortality over the last 30 years accounted for 1.4 million deaths in 2008. Despite recent advances in diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis of lung cancer patients remains dismal with an overall 5-year survival of <15%. Discovery of novel targets and therapeutic strategies is urgently needed. IGDB.NSCLC database is aiming to facilitate and prioritize identified lung cancer genes and microRNAs for pathological and mechanistic studies of lung tumorigenesis and for developing new strategies for clinical interventions. We integrated and curated various lung cancer genomic datasets to present 1. lung cancer genes with somatic mutations, experimental supports and statistic significance in association with clinicopathological features; 2. genomic alterations with copy number alterations (CNA) detected by high density SNP arrays, gain or loss regions detected by arrayed comparative genome hybridization (aCGH), and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) detected by microsatellite markers; 3. aberrant expression of genes and microRNAs detected by various microarrays. IGDB.NSCLC database provides user friendly interfaces and searching functions to display multiple layers of evidence for detecting lung cancer target genes and microRNAs, especially emphasizing on concordant alterations: 1. genes with altered expression located in the CNA regions; 2. microRNAs with altered expression located in the CNA regions; 3. somatic mutation genes located in the CNA regions; and 4. genes associated with clinicopathological features located in the CNA regions. These concordant altered genes and miRNAs should be prioritized for further basic and clinical studies.